
Moto Guzzi Breva 750 - Head Guards

 Greetings friends,

I have a few upgrades I plan to make for my Breva 750 and in this post I'm sharing one of them: head guards! I purchased these on Ebay from a seller from the UK, the link to his Ebay page can be found here. The head guards are very well made and I find the engraved MG eagles quite snazzy looking! Their function is to protect the spark plugs from breaking in the event of dropping the bike since the spark plug is the first part of the bike that would contact the ground in that scenario. This is unfortunately the nature of Moto Guzzis due to the design and position of the engine & cylinders,  and with a broken plug, you're stuck... The guards are designed such that the spark plugs can still be removed and replaced as needed.

I filmed a short video of me installing the guards, which I've uploaded to Youtube and can be viewed below.

I also took some 'glamour' shots of the head guards using a nicer camera, the best of which you can see below. I'm really pleased that the guards are not only functional but very good-looking as well!

Thanks for reading,


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